Monday, January 28, 2013

First Week Completed

So we have had the wood stove going all week (because our heating unit is stupid) so the entire house is almost unbearably hot  (but its better than freezing to death while paying a $275 heating bill). And the hubby and I are laying in bed,  I have on shorts and a sports bra (normal sleeping attire) and I was pushing my stomach up and down (to make myself look pregnant, weird I know) and my sweet husband blurts out "So when are you going to start using that machine we paid for?"

Umm. Ouch.

So now my feelings are beyond hurt, I had already set my alarm for 5:45 to get up to workout but I just turned over and said tomorrow. Then he tries to cuddle which he always does when he knows I'm upset and I push him off saying its too hot. Then after I while I tell him, you know you said that shitty. And then of course we get into the whole you know I didn't mean it, but it still hurt situation. Eventually we go to sleep and I dream about marrying other guys all night but then I wake up and know that I already married my Mr. Perfect. Doesn't stop me from not speaking to him while I was getting ready for work though because hey he made the comment. Of course he did go and crank up my car while I was getting ready and I gave him and extra long kiss good bye so we are good now.

But still. I was reflecting onto why that comment hurt me so much. First off, I was playing with my stomach when he made the comment, like thats what inspired him to make it so that was hurtful because while every woman complains to their husband about being fat, nobody wants him to confirm it and that's basically what happened there. Secondly, we had a big argument before we got the elliptical about that it wasn't going to become a coat rack like most people's do. And here it was a week since we put it together and I'd only used it once. (In my defense, I'm still getting used to getting up early plus it has been difficult with the wood heater)

So yes, he was justified for asking and I will admit that I slacked this week. My first big goal is to lose 40 lbs by Memorial Day which will average about 10lbs/month for the next four months. I know I am going to have to push myself but even if I only love 20lbs that will put me back under 250 which is going to be a great feeling.

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